The Eberly College of Science

Forensic Science Undergrad Student Research

Our students conduct research in forensic science and other disciplines across the university. If you are interested in forensic research, ask any of the forensic faculty about their research and see what you need to join one of their projects in progress - or see about starting a project of your own!

Interested in research outside of traditional forensic science or criminalistics? Check out any of these resources below:

Projects and Topics of Current and Former Students

Research as an undergrad is possible! Our students create their own projects or join research already in progress. That research can be with our own forensic faculty*, or with faculty in other departments across the university. Below is a sample of research engaged in by current and former undergrad students**.

  • Investigation of methylation rates for age determination. PI: Mitchell Holland

  • Assessing qPCR efficiency error. PI: Mitchell Holland

  • Testing for human DNA in blood from Mosquitos. PI: Reena Roy.

  • Human identification using DNA. PI: Reena Roy

  • Assessing the Promega Whole Mitochondrial Genome Kit. PI: Mitchell Holland

  • Assessing the efficiency of custom mtqPCR assay. Mitchell Holland

  • Gunshot residue distance determinations on mammalian fur. PI: Ralph Ristenbatt

  • Three-dimensional fabric impressions in vehicle paint. PI: Ralph Ristenbatt

  • Precious gems and minerals in cosmetics. PI: Wayne Moorehead

  • Importance of microscopy in forensic education. PI: Wayne Moorehead

  • Understanding the genetic, physiological, and ecological basis of plant adaptation to drought and low soil fertility. PI: Johnathan Lynch

  • Effect of salt solutions on the stability of protein model systems. PI: Paul Cremer

  • Insect and chemical ecology. PI: Jared Ali

  • Analysis of facial features with genetic context and hair analysis. PI: Mark Shriver


Forensic Faculty Research


*Note: "PI" stands for "Principal Investigator." They are the faculty member who oversees the research.
**Note: This is a partial list the represents a handful of recent undergrad research experiences.