The Eberly College of Science

Forensic Science
Sample Syllabi for FRNSC Courses

Click on a link below to see a sample syllabus from a previous semester version of a Forensic Science (FRNSC) course. Note that syllabi are prone to change from semester to semester, and may not accurately reflect the current semester's syllabus.

Required Courses for Forensic Majors

FRNSC 100 (3) - Introduction to Forensic Science

FRNSC 210 (3) - Essential Practices of Forensic Science

FRNSC 400 (1) - Courtroom Proceedings and Testimony

FRNSC 410 (2) - Scientific Approach to Crime Scene Investigation

FRNSC 411 (3) - Criminalistics: Trace and Impression Evidence

FRNSC 413 (3) - Criminalistics: Biology

FRNSC 415W (2) - Laboratory in Crime Scene Investigation

FRNSC 421W (4) - Forensic Molecular Biology*

FRNSC 427W (4) - Forensic Chemistry*

FRNSC 475 (1) - Forensic Science Seminar

FRNSC 485W (4) - Coalescence of Forensic Science Concepts

FRNSC 532 (3) - Drug Chemistry and Toxicology

FRNSC 541 (1) - Forensic Seminar Series

FRNSC 561 (1) - Ethics in Forensic Science

FRNSC 801 (4) - Criminalistics III

FRNSC 821 (4) - Forensic Molecular Biology II

FRNSC 831 (4) - Forensic Chemistry II


*FRNSC 421W and 821 are required for the Biology emphasis only; FRNSC 427W and 831 are required for the Chemistry emphasis only

Note: Courses with a 500 or 800-level designation are graduate level courses


General Education Courses (GN)

FRNSC 100 (3) – Introduction to Forensic Science

FRNSC 100z (3) – Introduction to Forensic Science^

  • currently not offered

FRNSC 200 (3) – Introduction to Crime Scene Investigation#


^Integrative Studies (IG) course. Linked to FRNAR 100z – Introduction to Forensic Photography.

#Offered exclusively for World Campus.