Premedicine E-Newsletter
The purpose of this newsletter is to inform Penn State students regarding events, programs, research, and news related to premedicine and prehealth interests and issues. Students from all majors are welcome and able to subscribe to or unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time.
Subscription to the Premedicine & Prehealth E-Newsletter
To subscribe to updates for premedicine, prehealth, or science students, including but not limited to upcoming events and opportunities, conferences, committee letter updates, internship and career opportunities please enter your preferred email address and information at: Premedicine & Prehealth E-Newsletter Subscription
Submitting Items for the E-Newsletter
Submissions should be of general interest to premedicine and prehealth undergraduate students. The e-newsletter editor reserves the right to make the final determination of the contents of each item in the newsletter and to determine whether the item is suitable for inclusion in the e-newsletter. Please submit items to for consideration.
Past Editions of the E-Newsletter
To view information from previous editions of the E-Newsletter, check the archive below.