Corporate Engagement

Innovations and Inventions

Approximately 1/3 of Eberly College of Science faculty are working to commercialize their research. This effort has been largely supported by the Office for Innovation, the Technology Advisory Board, and funding jointly provided by the college and the Penn State Research Foundation. Learn more.

  • 55+ patents
  • 13+ Licenses
  • 7+ Startups

On-Demand Thermal Curing of Polymers for 3D Printing

Lectin-1 significantly reduces percentage of cell viability in epithelial cancer cell lines at picomolar concentrations.

Early Visualization Assay of Neurodegenerative Diseases

The first product able to detect misfolded proteins in live cells using small molecule fluorophores to quantify pre-fibril protein oligomers and insoluble protein aggregates in vitro and in vivo.

Antibiotics Targeted to Bacterial Stress Pathways

The assay described here provides a positive read-out of inhibition of the sE system and can be adapted for high-throughput screening or H T S.
Ultra-High Sensitivity Low Cost Transient Spectrometer.


Nanosecond Time-resolved Mid-Infrared Transient Absorption Spectrometer.

Researcher in a chemistry laboratory in the Eberly College of Science.
Versatile Display Scaffolds for Proteins.
Versatile Display Scaffolds for Proteins (Keyword: Cryo-EM)
An Integrative and Discriminative Epigenome Annotation System.
IDEAS+: An Integrative and Discriminative Epigenome Annotation System

Novel Therapeutic for the Treatment of Epithelial Cancers

Lectin-1 is a biologic that exhibits potent anti-cancer activity against epithelial cancers.

Low Sequence Bias Single-Stranded DNA Ligation

3D RNA structure kit model predicts how plants and other living organisms respond to environmental conditions.

Industry, Inventions, Ultra-Tough Fibers and Films

A simple, scalable method of making strong, stretchable graphene oxide fibers that are easily scrolled into yarns and have strengths approaching that of Kevlar.
Scanning electron microscope image of the H5N2 avian influenza virus (purple) trapped inside the aligned carbon nanotubes.

Penn State Start-Up: Virolock

Virus Diagnostic Device

Abe Falcone of the Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics
Phosphatases play a role in neuronal development and path finding; they are potential targets for diabetes treatment.
Boronic Compounds for Use as Therapeutic Drugs - Diabetes

The inventors have identified promising boron-based compounds that trap phosphatases from the LAR/PTP-sigma/PTP-delta subfamily of the transmembrane PTP. These phosphatases play a role in neuronal development and path finding; they are potential targets for diabetes treatment. -Steve Benkovic.

Diagram of the Viral Inhibitor.

Inventors from Penn State and Yeshiva University have developed novel therapeutic from a nucleotide analog with unique composition-of-matter that can be used to treat flavivirus infections with a unique mechanism of action that makes them capable of treating both DNA and RNA viruses. -Craig Cameron

Viral Inhibitor
Structure of the PAD4 enzyme, which plays an important role in protecting the body from infection.

Penn State Start-Up: Helios

PAD4 Autoimmune Disease Inhibitor

Inhalable Antimicrobial Peptide Particles

Diagram of anogel composition and aerosol delivery showing human lungs as part of the diagram.

Low Temperature Method for CVD

Researchers have developed a method for conformally coating substrates with semiconductors at lower temperatures than is possible with conventional chemical vapor deposition.

Immersive Video Game for Astronomy Education

Screen capture of the Mars colony from the educational astronomy video game.
Graduate student or researcher in the Sally Mackenzie Lab.
Gong Chen and a student review research results on the computer.
Enzymatic Therapy to Inhibit Neonatal Seizures

Penn State inventors have developed a novel AED to inhibit treat neonatal seizures; proof-of-concept in vitro studies and in vivo animal data demonstrate that this novel potential therapeutic has robust activity and acts as an acute inhibitor of epileptiform activity. -Gong Chen

Gas-fed C O 2 Electrolyzer.

To combat the challenges of current CO2 electrolysis technology, a novel system was designed where O2 and high value chemicals (fuel products) are created from gaseous CO2 and water.The system uses a bipolar membrane (BPM) based electrochemical cell, similar to current systems available to split water and uses CO2 gas at the cathode, eliminating the problem of separating reaction products from reactants, and minimizes the introduction of contaminants. -Tom Mallouk

Electrolyzer for Gaseous Carbon Dioxide

tmRNA Inhibitors as Antibacterial Agents

Identified compositions have been demonstrated to kill bacterial pathogens when added exogenously.

Next generation of cellular imaging and labeling approaches using Light-Emitting Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Monolayers

Penn State inventors have developed an atomically-thin material with strong light-emitting properties to label and image living organisms.

Optimizing & Controlling Co-Translational Protein Folding

Researchers discovered that proteins, represented by the black line, exert a mechanical force as they exit the molecular machine where they are synthesized, represented in red. That force moderates the speed of protein synthesis.
Screenshot of an image-based CAPTCHA.

Penn State Start-Up: Simplr

Image-Based CAPTCHAs for Website Security