Ph.D. in Physics, Tsinghua University (China), 2013
B.S. in Optical Engineering, Shandong University (China), 2007
Honors and Awards
2019 Gordon and Betty Moore EPiQS Materials Synthesis Investigator
2019 Macronix Prize (Outstanding Young Researcher Award)
2019 NSF CAREER Award
2018 MIT Technology Review 35 Innovators Under 35 (China)
2018 ARO Young Investigator Program Award
2018 Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship
2016 International Union of Pure and Applied Physics Young Scientist Prize in the Structure and Dynamics of Condensed Matter
2013 Switzerland Dimitris N. Chorafas Foundation Award
Research Interests
- Quantum anomalous Hall (QAH) effect
- Topological materials
- Majorana physics in QAH-supercondctor and TI-superconductor hybrid structures
- Interface superconductivity
- MBE of “thin film”, “heterostructure” and “superlattice”
- Novel quantum phase in emerging quantum materials
- Magnetic and Superconductive tunneling junctions
Selected Publications
(A complete list is available here)
1. Tuning Chern Number in Quantum Anomalous Hall Insulators
Y.-F. Zhao, R. Zhang, R. Mei, L.-J. Zhou, H. Yi, Y.-Q. Zhang, J. Yu, R. Xiao, K. Wang, N. Samarth, M. H. W. Chan, C.-X. Liu#, and C.-Z. Chang#
Nature (2020, in press) (#corresponding authors)
X. Wu, D. Xiao, C.-Z. Chen, J. Sun, L. Zhang, M. H. W. Chan, N. Samarth, X. C. Xie, X. Lin#, and C.-Z. Chang#
Nature Commun. 11, 4532 (2020) (#corresponding authors)
3. Marriage of topology and magnetism
C.-Z. Chang#
Nature Mater. 19, 484–485 (2020) (#corresponding authors)
J. Jiang, D. Xiao, F. Wang, J.-H. Shin, D. Andreoli, J. Zhang, R. Xiao, Y.-F. Zhao, M. Kayyalha, L. Zhang, K. Wang, J. Zang, C. Liu, N. Samarth#, M. H. W. Chan#, and C.-Z. Chang#
Nature Mater. 19,732–737 (2020) (#corresponding authors)
5. Absence of Evidence for Chiral Majorana Modes in Quantum Anomalous Hall-Superconductor Devices
M. Kayyalha, D. Xiao, R. Zhang, J. Shin, J. Jiang, F. Wang, Y.-F. Zhao, L. Zhang, K. M. Fijalkowski, P. Mandal, M. Winnerlein, C. Gould, Q. Li, L. W. Molenkamp, M. H. W. Chan#, N. Samarth#, and C.-Z. Chang#
Science 367, 64-67(2020) (#corresponding authors)
F. Wang, D. Xiao, W. Yuan, J. Jiang, Y.-F. Zhao, L. Zhang, Y. Yao, B. Dong, W. Liu, Z. Zhang, C. Liu, J. Shi, W. Han, M. H. W. Chan, N. Samarth, and C.-Z. Chang#
Nano Lett. 19, 2945-2952 (2019) (#corresponding authors)
7. Realization of the Axion Insulator State in Quantum Anomalous Hall Sandwich Heterostructures
D. Xiao, J. Jiang, J.-H. Shin, W. Wang, F. Wang, Y.-F. Zhao, C. Liu, W. Wu, M. H. W. Chan#, N. Samarth#, and C.-Z. Chang#
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 056801 (2018) (Editors’ Suggestion) (#corresponding authors)
D. Rakhmilevich, F. Wang, W. Zhao, M. H. W. Chan, J. S. Moodera, C. Liu, and C.-Z. Chang#
Phys. Rev. B 98, 094404 (2018) (#corresponding authors)
F. Wang, H. Zhang, J. Jiang, Y.-F. Zhao, J. Yu, W. Liu#, D. Li, M. H. W. Chan, J. Sun, Z. Zhang, and C.-Z. Chang#
Phys. Rev. B 97, 115414 (2018) (#corresponding authors)
M. Li#, Q. Song, W. Zhao, J. A Garlow, T.-H. Liu, L. Wu, Y. Zhu, J. Moodera, M. H W Chan, G. Chen#, and C.-Z. Chang#
Phys. Rev. B 96, 201301 (R) (2017) (#corresponding authors)
C.-Z. Chang*, W. Zhao*, J. Li*, J. K. Jain, C. Liu, J. S. Moodera, and M. H. W. Chan
Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 126802 (2016) (Editors’ Suggestion) (*equal first authors)
C.-Z. Chang#, W. Zhao#, D. Kim, H. Zhang, B. A. Assaf, D. Heiman, S. C. Zhang, C. Liu, M. H. W. Chan, and J. S. Moodera#
Nat. Mater. 14, 473 (2015) (#corresponding authors)
C.-Z. Chang*#, W. Zhao*, D. Kim, P. Wei, J. K. Jain, C. Liu, M. H. W. Chan#, and J. S. Moodera#
Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 057206 (2015) (#corresponding authors, *equal first authors)
14. Band engineering of Dirac surface states in topological insulators-based van der Waals heterostructures
C.-Z. Chang#, P. Z. Tang, X. Feng, K. Li, X. Ma, W. H. Duan#, K. He#, and Q. K. Xue
Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 136801 (2015) (#corresponding authors)
C.-Z. Chang*, Z. Zhang*, K. Li*, X. Feng, J. Zhang, M. Guo, J. Wang, L. L. Wang, X. Ma, X. Chen, Y. Wang, K. He, and Q. K. Xue
Nano Lett. 15, 1090 (2015) (*equal first authors)
C.-Z. Chang*, P. Z. Tang*, Y. L. Wang, X. Feng, K. Li, Z. Zhang, Y. Wang, L. Wang, X. Chen, C. X. Liu, W. H. Duan, K. He, X. Ma, and Q. K. Xue
Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 056801 (2014) (*equal first authors)
17. Experimental observation of the quantum anomalous Hall effect in a magnetic topological insulator
C.-Z. Chang*, J. Zhang*, X. Feng*, J. Shen*, Z. Zhang, M. H. Guo, K. Li, Y. B. Ou, P. Wei, L. Wang, Z. Q. Ji, Y. Feng, S. H. Ji, X. Chen, J. F. Jia, X. Dai, Z. Fang, S.C. Zhang, K. He,Y. Wang, L. Lu, X. C. Ma, and Q. K. Xue
Science 340, 167 (2013) (*equal first authors)
This work was featured in the scientific background of 2016 Nobel Prize in Physics for Haldane, Kosterlitz and Thouless.
C.-Z. Chang, J. S. Zhang, M. H. Liu, Z. C. Zhang, X. Feng, K. Li, L. L. Wang, X. Chen, X. Dai, Z. Fang, X. L. Qi, S. C. Zhang, Y. Wang, K. He, X. C. Ma, and Q. K. Xue
Adv. Mater. 25, 1065 (2013)