The service units within the Eberly College of Science Dean's Office

Administrative Offices

The Bridge
Podcast set up in the communications office
Communications Office

The Office of Communications is responsible for the promotion of the Eberly College of Science through marketing and communications materials and campaigns.


Our Office is committed to providing safe, contemporary, functional and efficient services and environments for our College's faculty, staff and students.

Facilities Office
Science Dr road sign with the Gateway to the Sciences in the background
Finance Office
Finance Office

The Eberly College of Science Finance Office is committed to providing outstanding customer service and financial support to the College while maintaining fiscal responsibility. 

Human Resources

As the Human Resources Staff of the Eberly College of Science, we hope that you find this information located under the navigational links useful and valuable.

Human Resources
Information Technology
Information Technology

Design, support and maintenance of computing and network resources.

The We Are sculpture at the Intramural Building on the University Park campus.
Development and Alumni Relations
Information Technology
Information Technology

Design, support and maintenance of computing and network resources.

The We Are sculpture at the Intramural Building on the University Park campus.
Development and Alumni Relations