Tracy Langkilde

Professor and Verne M. Willaman Dean, Eberly College of Science
Tracy Langkilde



Ph.D., University of Sydney, Australia, 2005

B.S., James Cook University, Australia, 1999


Postdoctoral Training

Gaylord Donnelley Environmental Fellow, Yale University, 2005 - 2007



George Mercer Award, Ecological Society of America, 2011


Research Interests

My lab works at the interface of ecology and evolution to understand how an organism's traits are matched to its environment and responds to novel selective pressures imposed by global environmental change, and the consequences of this adaptation. Our research takes an integrative approach, applying behavioral observations, endocrine assays, morphological analysis tools, and molecular approaches to both field and laboratory studies, with a focus on reptiles and amphibians. This work has both basic and applied importance, informing the role of evolutionary processes in assembly and dynamics of natural communities, and our understanding of the resilience and responses of native populations to rapid perturbations caused by global environmental change. 

View more at the Langkilde Lab.