Bratoljub Milosavljevic

Teaching Professor


Professional Appointments and Affiliations

Teaching Professor

Director of Physical Chemistry Laboratory Instruction


331C Whitmore Lab

University Park, PA 16802


(814) 865-7481


BS., University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia. 1975

Ph.D., University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia and University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA. 1985


Pedagogically oriented
  • Undergraduate research as a tool for improving the chemistry students' proficiency
  • Designing new experiments that will offer clear illustrations of the concepts and principles of physical chemistry as well as to provide experience with precise laboratory measurements
Fundamental and applied
  • Photophysics and photochemistry in homogenous and heterogeneous systems
  • Nanoparticles growth, surface characterization and redox properties
  • Kinetics and mechanism of ionizing radiation induced reactions in aqueous solutions, polymers, metal oxides, and biologically relevant systems
  • Sonochemistry of organic and biologically important molecules in aqueous solutions
  • Chemical dosimetry (of ionizing radiation) and actinometry (UV – Vis light).
  • Applied aspects of radiation chemistry, photochemistry and sonochemistry such as radiation processing of polymers, radiation sterilization of pharmaceuticals and food, solar energy storage, water purification, etc.


CHEM 450, Physical Chemistry I (Chemical Thermodynamics)

CHEM 457, Experimental Physical Chemistry

CHEM 459W, Advanced Experimental Physical Chemistry

Selected Publications

        Andrew Hanlon and Bratoljub H. Milosavljevic

Analysis of Factors Affecting Luminescence Decays: Concentration Distribution of Excited Molecules in the Reaction Cell

J. Lumin., 157, 16-20 (2015)


       Keith M. Krise, Ellen R. Forsyth, Kay M. DiMarco and Bratoljub H. Milosavljevic

Sonolysis of High Macroviscosity Systems: Hen Albumen Hydrogel

J. Phys. Chem. B117(24), 7164-7168 (2013)


       Andrew Hanlon and Bratoljub H. Milosavljevic

Appropriate Excitation Wavelength Removes Obfuscations from Pyrene Excimer Kinetics and Mechanism Studies

Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 12 (5), 787-797 (2013)  


       Keith M. Krise and Bratoljub H. Milosavljevic

Effects of Microviscosity, Dry Electron Scavenging, and Protein Mobility on the Radiolysis of Albumen Hydrogel

J. Phys. Chem. B115(41), 11964–11969 (2011)


       Keith M. Krise and Bratoljub H. Milosavljevic

Mobility of molecules and ions in protein gels: Diffusion in the thick fraction of hen egg white

Biomacromolecules, 12(6), 2351–2356 (2011)


       Keith M. KriseAngela A. Hwang, David M. Sovic and Bratoljub H. Milosavljevic

Macro- and Microscale Rheological Properties of Poly(Vinyl Alcohol) Aqueous Solutions

J. Phys. Chem. B, 115(12), 2759–2764 (2011)