Clubs and organizations in science

Get involved!

Connect with students with similar interests by joining a Penn State club.

Student organizations help you meet other students in the college, and, among their benefits, they also provide leadership and service opportunities.  There are organizations directly related to the majors in the college, but there are a large variety of other groups that allow you to branch out and expand your Penn State experience beyond your current academic program.

Student organizations help you meet other students in the college, and, among their benefits, they also provide leadership and service opportunities.  There are organizations directly related to the majors in the college, but there are a large variety of other groups that allow you to branch out and expand your Penn State experience beyond your current academic program.

Looking for an organization not listed here?

Club membership and activity can vary significantly from academic year to academic year. Sometimes clubs become inactive. You should check the Penn State Student Organization Directory to check to see if a club is currently active and has officers identified. If a club on this list has become inactive and you are interested in reviving it, please contact Dean Palma for more information.
Two undergraduate students working in one of the collaborative learning spaces available in the college.