Finding Meaning
Dear Friends of the College

About this photo
Cells of a human breast cancer tumor that contain DNA (blue) can be seen in this false-color fluorescent-light micrograph

A Note from Our Guest Editor

Collaboration at its best

Making a difference

Data science opens doors

Lab Bench to Commercialization
Two faculty members will receive $75,000 each toward commercializing intellectual property

Eberly faculty support enthusiastic teachers

Development and Alumni Relations
Eberly College of Science welcomes Kim Neely as senior director of development.

It is our pleasure to welcome new members of our faculty to the Eberly College of Science.
Congratulations to our faculty members on their recent promotions and awards and honors.
The Charles E. Kaufman Foundation has selected two projects led by Penn State researchers to receive New Initiatives grants.
Driven by demand
From its inception, Penn State's Data Sciences program has grown and evolved in tandem with the complex and ever-shifting needs surrounding big data

[Re]mixing songs with statistics education

Penn State Materials Research Institute Pioneers of Materials

Eberly College of Science summer 2019 student marshal.
Celebrating 10 years of Science LionPride.
CURE first-year research initiative.
Graduate student Claire Kelling is using statistics to solve societal problems by helping communities see the power in their data
On Sunday, August 25, 2019, the Eberly College of Science welcomed incoming freshman to Penn State.
Isiah Holt '20 Physics, and Astronomy and Astrophysics
M. Dean and Jean L. Underwood Scholarship in Physics
Bunton-Waller Undergraduate Fellowship

Your gift can support students like Isiah
Contact the Office of Development and Alumni Relations for more information.
Giving Tuesday campaign supports study abroad in Tanzania

Forests and fellowships
Wilderness hiker alumnus supports graduate fellowships across the college.

University names Louis A. Martarano 2019 Fundraising Volunteer of the Year.

The Penn State Eberly College of Science honored two alumni with the Outstanding Science Alumni Award for 2019.
The college’s Alumni Society Board of Directors established this award to recognize alumni who have a record of significant professional achievements in their field and who are outstanding role models for students in the college.
The 2019 awardees are Bruce Booth and Judd Moul.
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Science Journal Winter 2020 PDF

Science Journal Photo Contest