In this installment of our highlight series, we are featuring Kelsey Watson, who is a fifth-year NSF fellow in the Asbury lab.
In this installment of our highlight series, we are featuring Vincent Torres, who is a member of the Hickey group in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering.
This week, we are featuring Mrutyunjay (MJ) Nair, who is a second-year graduate student in the Bollinger-Krebs group.
In this installment of our highlight series, we are featuring Ciera Wentworth, who is a third-year student in the Zarzar lab.
Each week, the Department of Chemistry highlights a graduate student who is doing interesting and exciting work around the department. In this installment of our highlight series, we are featuring John Swartzfager, who is a fifth-year student in the Asbury lab.
Each week, the Department of Chemistry highlights a graduate student who is doing exciting work around the department. In this installment of our highlight series, we are featuring Rebecca Balaj, who is a fourth-year student in the Zarzar group.
Each week, the Department of Chemistry highlights a graduate student who is doing exciting work around the department. In this installment of our highlight series, we are featuring Patrick Corrigan of the Silakov lab.
Each week, the Department of Chemistry highlights graduate students who are doing exciting work around the department. In this installment of our highlight series, we are featuring Ryan Szukalo, who is a third-year student in the Noid lab.
In this installment of our highlight series, we are featuring Edward Hilvano, who is a second-year student in the Nacsa lab.
In this installment of our highlight series, we are featuring Eli Wenger, who is a fourth-year student in the Bollinger-Krebs lab.
In this installment of our highlight series, we are featuring Jacob (Jake) Piane, who is a fourth year student jointly advised by Assistant Professor of Chemistry Eric Nacsa and Assistant Professor of Chemistry Beth Elacqua.
In this installment of our highlight series, we are featuring Alyssa Bienvenu, who is a fourth-year student in the Knizia group.